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Saturday, March 31, 2012

New Store Location!!


We are happy to announce that the boutique L'autre Placard is now holding Beads of Awareness! Situated on Mont Royal East, L'autre Placard holds a wide variety of jewelery, clothing and accessories. And now, they have BOA! Check em out HERE

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Kathy Moore Wilson says: Oh that is awesome! Congratulations!
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

From Thomas Prince, Executive Director

            Beads of Awareness began as an idea in 2009.  An idea that business strategies and organizational structure could be applied to create social benefit.  And that incorporating the ethics and perspectives of humanitarian, charitable and social justice social movements can set an example for others in the business community.  As a social enterprise we purchase our jewelry from our partners in Uganda according to direct trade and fair trade practices, dedicate 50% of our profits to projects and support in Uganda, and work to spread awareness about the recovery in Northern Uganda, alternative forms of development and business operation, and to support grass roots and co-operative movements in Canada and Uganda.
            Fast forward to March 2012 and you find us well on the way to achieving our goals.  This year we formed our board of directors, solidified our partnerships and livelihood projects in Uganda, and were able to assist one of our Canadian partners, Kleos MFG, initiate its micro finance project in Gulu. 
            Our board of directors is comprised of dedicated volunteers who meet monthly to direct our activities and grow the organization.  The central mandate of the board is to transition Beads of Awareness from a privately held partnership to a member owned co-operative.  As a responsible partner in Uganda the board works to ensure that all our actions are sustainable and community driven, and that  all relevant financial information as to our projects, sales and other activities are made public through our website.

            In February and March of this year I had the opportunity to return to Uganda and follow up with our partners, collect new beads, and assist in the development of a micro finance project lead by Kleos MFG and Tetugu Uganda Association (TUA).  In 2011 I  spent several months in Gulu, to learn more about our bead makers and our partner organizations.  Meeting regularly with the different members, women and youth, in groups and at their homes was an eye opening experience as to the challenges of daily life in northern Uganda, but also showed me a picture of a completely different rhythm of life focused around family, growing food in the garden, religious devotion, and strength and forgiveness in the face of indescribable tragedy during the civil war which raged over 20 years. 

            Returning in 2012 was an emotionally charged experience; an amazing chance to see friends again and meet new born children, helped to improve the sustainability of our efforts, and gave an opportunity to follow up with the community.  I joined Sarosh Rizvi from Kleos MFG to assist in the start of Kleos' micro-loan activities in the region.  Recognizing the limited capacity of BOA as a small start up to support our members, seeing how Kleos' small loan project with 15 women from Tetugu Uganda Association who make our beads will help these women grow their small business ventures  allowing them to improve the health of their families and pay for the school fees of their children was uplifting.  With the assistance of our partners and our Field Officer Philip Omony, I worked to further develop local opportunities to sell beads and other income generating activities within Gulu, improve the quality of our products and plan for future joint projects.

            When I first visited Uganda in 2009 I don't think I could ever imagine the impact Gulu and  Beads of Awareness would have in my life.  I am truly appreciative of all the efforts of everyone who has been involved with Beads of Awareness and all the people in both Canada and Uganda have offered guidance and insight.  I am very excited and optimistic for the future both in Northern Uganda and for the growth of a more conscious and equitable approach to trade and cross cultural interaction globally.  I hope Beads of Awareness can be a small step taken in this direction by many in Canada and Uganda together.

Thomas Prince
Co-founder, Executive Director
Beads of Awareness
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Friday, March 23, 2012

BOA @ the Frequinox

March 23 

Come out to the FREQUINOX tonight! BOA will be there from opening selling beaded jewelry and enjoying the festivities. Bring your costume, buy some beads, and have some fun!!
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    • Jeremy's Aura 
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thomas Prince, Executive Director, back from Uganda

Beads of Awareness  -  Mar 14, 2012  -  Public
Co- founder and Executive Director Thomas Prince has just returned from Gulu Uganda. Congratulations to Kleos MFG, one of our partners in Canada for the successful inauguartion of it's loan project with Tetugu Uganda Association. Thanks to Sarosh Rizvi, Philip Omony, Okema William, Rubangakene Simon, and many others for their tireless work to support the ongoing support of our bead makers. The next few months promise to be exciting in both Canada and Uganda with many sales, workshops and other activities.
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